
20 Years of Sung Tongs

• Episode 25

Two decades ago today, Animal Collective released their fifth album, a collection of "tongue songs" that proved to be a massive vibe shift and level-up that solidified the band's direction and put them on the cultural map.

This week, Christian and Justin go deep on Avey Tare and Panda Bear's enduring masterwork Sung Tongs, the primordial siren song of innocence, friendship, love and peace. They discuss the evolution of this era of songs, the music of 2004, iconic Youtube clips, letting go, and which Outkast song is a spiritual cousin to the album.

Can you believe this album is as far away from 2024 as 1984 was to 2004? 🤯 What are some of your favorite moments? Do you think they recorded a studio version of Covered in Frogs?

Early Live versions of Sung Tongs:
Live @ Other Music 8/16/04: